Thank You for Purchasing Radio Data MW-2024
Very many thanks for your order for the “Radio Data MW RDMW-2024″ program by Bill Scott. which will give you access to coverage maps and antenna radiation patterns for every MW/AM broadcast station in North America. You can now download your purchase as a zip file by clicking on the map below or the link in the caption.

Please note that this zip file is 35MB in size so please be aware if you are downloading on a metered or slow connection. When you unzip you will have a compendium of valuable information at your fingertips. After you unzip, please access the read_me_first.txt file for more background and advice on how to use this tool. Once you use RDMW-2024 you will see that every map has a help button which will take you to the User Guide in case anything is unclear.
P.S. If you like RDMW-2024 we’d appreciate it if you could spread the word. Feel free to mention in your blogs or on online forums and social media. Reviews on our MWC Facebook group are also welcome. If you publish weblinks please direct people to this permanent web address:
Note: Please contact our Treasurer, Martin Hall (, if there are any problems accessing the zip file. We cannot guarantee that the files are free of any defect or virus or corruption in transit, so we advise that you check the files for their integrity, just as you would any other files from the internet. Legal bit: RDMW is an experimental piece of software and comes without any warranty or any provision for ongoing support. You download and use it entirely at your own risk and absolve the Medium Wave Circle its officers and the software authors of any and all liability for any circumstances arising from its use.