Reference Library

Our reference library is a collection of publications that we hope will show the scope of the Medium Wave Circle and introduce you to our hobby. And if you are wondering what MW DXing is all about or how we got to where we are today, then hopefully you’ll find information and inspiration here in the library.
We’ve tried to publish items that will be of the widest possible interest and that won’t go out of date too quickly.
The first feature is a comprehensive nine chapter introduction to all aspects of medium wave DXing including station identification, equipment and QSL cards amongst other topics.
We start with a brief explanation of what MW DX means, followed by the extensive archive of Medium Wave News. Here we have over 65 years of continuous publication of of our prestigious magazine.
We then have the repository of the very popular Radio Netherlands receiver reviews from the 1990s and early 2000s. You will also see that we are now the home of the archive of the European MW Guide (EMWG) which was the definitive source of station information.
The All-time MW DX Lists are a valuable 50+ year record which radio stations have been heard in the British Isles.. These are updated each year and are one of the benefits of membership of the Circle.
Finally if you are looking for some inspiration we have the DX Audio Vault. This holds a number of recordings of MW DX signals heard in the British Isles to illustrate the art of the possible.
Enjoy browsing in the Library!