The DX Audio Vault

On the classic track The Cinema Show by Genesis Peter Gabriel sang:

Take a little trip back with father Tiresias
Listen to the old one speak of all he has lived through

Well in this part of the MWC Library you’ll be able to listen to some classic Medium Wave DX from times past. The DX Audio Vault is in two parts for historical reasons.

DX Audio Vault Part I

First up on the following pages you will find maps with station names. When you click on a station name you’ll hear a short recording of the station as heard by MW DXers in the UK. At this distance signals are weak and noisy so you may find listening on headphones is a good idea. Recordings are in mp3 format and sized between 40-150kB.

Please remember that some of the stations on the maps may have changed name, format or callsign, or even closed down.

United States




South America


DX Audio Vault Part II

The second half of the DX Audio Vault contains dx recordings made by Paul Logan and John Faulkner a few decades ago. Click on the link below to go back in time…

Back in Time with Paul L and John F

We would really like to showcase some more modern dx and fill in a few gaps. If you think you have some suitable recordings please don’t hesitate to contact us