Introducing the Medium Wave Circle..
Are you interested in Medium Wave (AM) or Long Wave Radio? Do you enjoy listening, broadcasting, or working with technology?
Are you keen to improve your radio receiver, antennas and other monitoring equipment?
Are you keen to learn more about radio signal propagation?
Do you want to share your experience and knowledge with others?
What is the Medium Wave Circle?
The Medium Wave Circle is an international club for radio enthusiasts. It brings together people all over the world with a similar interest in medium wave radio (MW, AM or BCB) and related topics. Members of the Circle are interested in many topics including:
* Listening to faraway signals (DX-ing) or other unusual signals
* Listening to international radio programming
* Monitoring utility and beacon transmissions
* Swapping ideas, knowledge and news with other members
* Building and developing equipment; radios, antennas, audio and signal processing etc
* Working with computer software for signal monitoring, antenna modelling, propagation analysis and so on
* Radio propagation at medium frequencies
* Going on DX-peditions to remote locations to hear more signals
Although we are a specialist radio club we welcome all listeners; neither age nor experience (or lack of it) are a barrier to membership. Although the Circle operates in the English language, membership of the Circle knows no geographic boundaries – we have members on every continent (except Antarctica!).
Why Should I Join?
Circle members get the following benefits:
* Medium Wave News – the Circle’s prestigious magazine, published regularly since December 1954; now distributed on paper and also electronically via the Internet as a PDF

* Access to the Circle archives – a reference library of important articles and features, CDs we used to sell and over 500 past copies of MWN available exclusively to members
* Unique members-only access to the UK’s best situated medium wave optimised KiwiSDR at Clashmore NW Scotland
* Access to the experience and knowledge of numerous other like-minded radio enthusiasts all over the world with a vast range of technical, linguistic and operating experience
* Participation in our active GroupsIO mailing list