Year Introduced 2000
Power 90-264 VAC, 48-440 Hz
Size 13.3 by 48.3 by 31.8 cm (5.25 x 19 x 12.5 in) HWD
Weight 5.7 kg (12.5 lbs)
Price US$4000 (est.)
Coverage 50 kHz – 30 MHz, tuneable to 0 MHz with degraded performance, in USB, LSB, ISB, CW, AM, Synchronous AM, FM modes
Value Rating (not rated)
This review was compiled independently. The Medium Wave Circle and Radio Netherlands has no financial connection with Ten-Tec, the manufacturer of this receiver.
Review by Tom Sundstrom
Unknown to most shortwave listeners, in the past few years Ten-Tec has produced a number of commercial and military grade receivers.
In February 2000 Ten-Tec announced a new RX-340 model. It uses the time-tested circuit boards of the “black box” remote-control RX-331 currently in production and adds a new cabinet with a comprehensive front panel. The RS-232 interface is retained, and the command language is published in the manual so users can write their own software.
The receiver is a multi-mode, general coverage synthesized receiver utilizing military-grade digital signal processing (DSP). It tunes from 5 kHz to 30 MHz in steps as fine as 1 Hz. All displays are blue/green vacuum fluorescent.
There are 57 IF bandwidths from 100 Hz to 16 kHz and all filters have a shape factor of 1.5:1 or better. Modes are USB, LSB, ISB (independent sideband), CW, AM, synchronous AM and FM. In addition to the fast, slow and off AGC modes, there is a interesting fourth user-programmable AGC setting that includes setting the attack, hang and decay rates.
Memory and scan functions include 100 memories that retain the frequency, mode, IF bandwidth and BFO setting. There are a variety of memory scan options to select from.
The RX-340 is designed for a standard rack mount.

In March 2000, the RX-340 information was not yet posted on the Ten-Tec Web site at www.tentec.com, but dial up the Web site and look for yourself. Review the RX-331 Web page for a comprehensive listing of the RX-340 performance specifications.
The price of the RX-340 is estimated to be approximately US$4,000, about US$1,000 less than the comparable BAE WJ-8711A receiver. The first RX-340 units are expected to ship in May 2000.
This review first appeared on the Radio Netherlands website.